Natural Hair Breakage Treatment

Hair Shedding and Hair Breakage are often mistaken.

Hair sheds from the roots, and we naturally shed between 50-100 strands of hair daily. So if you took down your braids after a month, just do the math before getting worried. If you think the hair shedding is excessive, then stress, diet, health or hormonal factors might be the reason. 

On the other hand, hair breakage is when a part of your hair strand breaks leaving the rest attached to the roots. Hair breakage is inevitable, but when it becomes excessive, you should do something about it. Hair breakage usually results in split ends, and your hair may also have a straw-like and brittle appearance.

Hair breakage might be the reason your hair growth is stagnant; actually your hair is growing, but because it keeps breaking you think it's not growing.

Click Here: Causes of Hair Breakage

Treatments for Natural Hair Breakage

1) Moisturize: Moisture is key. Moisture is simply water. If you want healthy natural hair, always moisturize. Get a spray bottle, fill it up and spritz your hair. I love warm water because my hair is low porosity, and the heat opens up my cuticles for products to be easily absorbed. After moisturizing with water or a water based products like our amazing Molonga Naturals 3-in-1 Curling Cream, seal with an oil or butter. Oils are sealants meaning they help to lock in moisture; Oils don't moisturize. 

Click to Shop the Molonga Naturals 3-in-1 Curling Cream

2) Protein Treatments: This is a Game Changer! if you use the right product. 

This is not your avocado, eggs, and yoghurt kitchen DIY lol. The protein molecules in  foods are too big so they cannot penetrate our hair strands. Please eat your food, healthy hair actually starts from within. Our hair can only absorb "Hydrolyzed Protein". This means the protein molecules have been broken down so it can penetrate our hair strands.

Hair is naturally made up of protein, but as our hair grows further from our roots, we lose moisture and nourishment. The Hair's protein begins to break down, and our hair soon loses strength, elasticity, and the bonds weaken. Other culprits are heat styling tools and hair dyes. This is why we need hair Hair masques or Protein Treatments. They help strengthen our hair, minimize hair breakage and give life to dry brittle and damaged looking hair.


Click here to Shop the Molonga Naturals Moisturizing Protein Deep Conditioner



3) Be Gentle: Our curls might appear tough but they're fragile. Be gentle when detangling your hair. Finger detangling before going in with a wide tooth comb will save your hair from breakage. Use hair tools based on how your hair responds to them, not because it's trendy.

4) Lastly minimize direct heat use (Flat irons, blow dryers). These tools when used often can weaken your hair's protein bonds. As mentioned in #2, use your protein treatments if you heat style often. 

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