Our Story

In 2017, our Founder, Sandra Borno started Molonga Naturals as a result of her not being able to find products for her own hair. In her words 

" When I went natural in 2016, Youtube was my friend, just like almost every naturalista out there. I learned a lot about my 4C Hair type online, and combed all supermarkets and hair shops hoping to find the products I saw all these beautiful women using, to no avail. I was either going to find a way out or go back to relaxers but the latter was never going to happen. I went back online and searched for videos on how to make the glorified coconut oil which ended up becoming our very first product. 

My goal was to help women in my country Cameroon, who had no access to healthy products that worked, by creating these products and teaching them about hair. 

Took online formulation courses, did a lot of research and studies, and built a brand that caters to women with natural hair, specifically the afro hair aka type 4 hair. Our products solve the most common issues which most women struggle with - "strong/hard hair", slow growth, hair breakage and hair loss. 

I wanted to help women build their self-esteem through their hair, which is what keeping my natural hair did to me. Nurturing my natural hair and deciding to wear my hair out everyday, for five years was a rebellious act. In a society where my hair type is referred to as unprofessional, unkept, ugly and not attractive, this was me trying to prove that: we don't need to hide our hair for it to grow, our hair is beautiful and we can wear it to any occasion. 

The hair that grows out of your scalp is beautiful and your skin is beautiful too. That's why I named the brand "Molonga" which means beautiful. Molonga is from a Cameroonian native language called "Mokpwe" spoken by the Bakweri people, who originate from the South West Region of Cameroon". 

We've built a strong reputation in Cameroon and worldwide by helping thousands of #Molongawomen and #Molongamen fall in love with their hair, through our products and teachings."

Sandra Borno